Please note the mail lake is closed for a private booking from 7am 16th March until 7pm 17th March.
(1) All bookings are to be made in this website via the online booking system.
(2) The bins will be removed and all anglers are to bring a black sack or equivalent to take your rubbish home with you. You are responsible for your own swim and we will be checking and expect this rule to be strictly adhered to.
(3) Hand sanitisers will be provided at the gates,please use them.
(4) Please bring additional antibacterial wipes/gel for when using the toilet and water tap.
All other fishery rules remain in place and please remember to have a valid Environmental agency rod licence.
We look forward to seeing you all again out enjoying the sport we all love.
Combebank 14/05/2020
Please note the mail lake is closed for a private booking from 7am 16th March until 7pm 17th March. 14/03/2019
Please note that the top half of Combe Bank Lake from The Friendlies, through the Dam Wall around to Big Fish Alley will be closed for a private booking from Friday 7th September at 1pm to Saturday 8th September at 1pm
The whole lake will be closed from Friday 20th October at 9am until Sunday 22nd October at 5pm for a private match.
We are pleased to announce that work has started on the access road and car park. Hopefully everything will be completed in about 3 weeks time. If you are planning on fishing our lake during this time please give Colin a ring on 07496 535 880 for information on where to park. 23/03/2017
Our website is now up and running and we will be taking bookings from Monday 6th March! 03/03/2017
Lake closed for the weekend of the 30th July due to flooding from excess rainfall. We apologise for the inconvenience and will re-allocate or refund all tickets for those dates. 2 14/09/2016
Lake closed for the weekend of the 30th July due to flooding from excess rainfall. We apologise for the inconvenience and will re-allocate or refund all tickets for those dates. 14/09/2016